Episode 28: Jim Goad

For reasons that are obvious to anyone who knows his biography and his work, Jim Goad might be the most underappreciated social critic in America. He edited the notorious and influential zine Answer Me!, authored The Redneck Manifesto, and served more than two years in prison for a crime he writes about with breathtaking honesty. He currently writes for Taki’s Magazine and hosts the podcast Jim Goad’s Group Hug.

Episode 27: Scott Horton

Scott Horton is the author of the widely acclaimed Fool’s Errand: Time to End the War in Afghanistan and the host of the indispensable foreign policy radio program and podcast The Scott Horton Show. Since 2003, he has conducted more than 4,500 interviews with journalists, politicians, former military leaders, lawyers and experts on foreign policy and war. Scott is also the managing director of The Libertarian Institute and the opinion editor of Antiwar.com.

Episode 26: Laura Kipnis

When this interview took place, Laura Kipnis was under a Title IX investigation by her university and being sued in civil court for publishing her book, Unwanted Advances: Sexual Paranoia Comes to Campus, a critique of the sexual “McCarthyism” at American universities and the “blatantly paternalistic” feminism that drives it. Kipnis is a professor of media studies at Northwestern University and the author of five other books, including Against Love: A Polemic; Men: Notes from an Ongoing Investigation; and Bound and Gagged: Pornography and the Politics of Fantasy in America.